Praise God somebody,
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above Ye Heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
Praise Him for the wonderful things He has done
Praise Him because He is Jehovah Shammah
Praise Him because He is your Healer
Praise Him because He is our provider
Praise Him because He is God of All
Father we worship You oh God oh God of all
For all that You are to us
(Choir help me worship Jehovah Shammah)
Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Nissi
You are my Ebenezer,
You are Adonai
We Give You Glory, Honor and Majesty
You are God forevermore/5x
David Duke-Merit:
Jehovah Shammah, Nissi, You are my everything,
Oh God I give you glory forevermore
Call: This is my worship
Resp: My worship/7x
I worship You my God
You are worthy to be praised oh (God) /2x
All: We worship You our Lord
You are worthy to be praised/2x
Call: Oh I praise You
Resp: I praise You/7x
Call: My Provider
Resp: Provider/7x
Call: You re my Healer
Resp: my Healer/7x
Call: And we need Your reviver
Resp: Reviver/3x (alto)
Call: C'mon give it to me
Resp: Oh oh oh oh oh reviver
Call: say reviver
Resp: Reviver
We need You Reviver oh God
Resp: Reviver.......
We worship You our God
You are worthy to be praised/2x
(Till fade)
Lyrics by Kcc Africa
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