Are You Worshiping in Public or Private?
How are you doing in private? How is your relationship with God, your spouse and your family? Are you paying the price in private to be successful in public?
As a Christian, are you developing your private time with the Lord? Are you reading the Word daily? Are you spending time at the feet of Jesus on a regular basis? Do you need to hear from God? You can hear from God today. All you need to do is open a Bible and read!
As a Christian musician, are you paying the price in private to be successful in public? Are you practicing your instrument so that it becomes a natural part of who you are? Are you so comfortable with playing that you can focus on worshiping God at the same time? Have you memorized the music so you can freely worship?
As a Worship Pastor, are you worshiping God in private? Or has your worship time just become a public thing? If you honor God in private, He will honor you in public! What people see in public should only be the tip of the iceberg. Your private time with God, your private music practice, and the private time memorizing and knowing the music is the key to success in your public worship ministry.
From private to public, that was the key to Jesus’ ministry. He spent many hours in private time with His Father. He only spoke what God told Him to speak. No wonder God said, ‘This is My Son in whom I am well pleased.’ No wonder His public ministry was so successful!
Is your private life pleasing to God? What are you watching online? What movies and TV do you allow yourself to see? What books are you reading? Garbage in, garbage out. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Make sure what you are doing in private is what you want to be in public. That is how life flows, from the private to the public. If you want to be successful in public, make sure you are paying the price in private!
This article originally appeared here.
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