Lara George's response to doing Adele's Cover.
1. Doing a cover of another artiste is NOT piracy as
long as that cover will not be sold commercially. Is it
a tribute? YES! Some of you may ask – ‘but why would you pay tribute
to a ‘secular’ artiste?’ The
1. Doing a cover of another artiste is NOT piracy as
long as that cover will not be sold commercially. Is it
a tribute? YES! Some of you may ask – ‘but why would you pay tribute
to a ‘secular’ artiste?’ The
reason is because, secular or no, we would all be
hypocrites to act as though it is not a big deal to
have almost 1billion combined views of one’s work
on YouTube alone.There are some phenomena that
only happen once in a lifetime. Adele is one of those. Take it or leave
it. Let me ask you – if Adele
were your friend, would you invite her to your
parties, your home perhaps? Show off to the world
that you knew her because of her success as an
artiste???? Think about that.
2. I chose Adele because so far, she has not displayed any nudity,
profanity or lewdness of any
sort in her works. She has not sung against God
and has not shown anything anti-God in any way,
and yet has gone on to achieve such monumental
success. That, my dear friends, is commendable.
Some of you reading this post, work for organisations that have openly
themselves from anything that has to do with God.
Those organisations will not support anything that
is Gospel or Christian as a matter of policy and yet
you earn your monthly pay from there or receive
contracts from them. Have you associated yourselves with
3. So what is the definition of a ‘secular artiste’
really? Am i suddenly a secular artiste because i
sang a song that doesn’t have the name of Jesus in
it? Does it then mean that every single song i sing
must be about Jesus? When i sang ‘I love you’ in my second album,
or ‘Chibuzor’ in another album, or
‘love nwantintin,’ was i any less a Christian? Let me
ask you this question: as a Christian who works in a
secular organisation, are you any less of a believer?
When you are an OAP who is born-again but
whose job it is to play secular songs on air, are you a lesser person?
Or the high-ranking banker or
corporate entity executive whose job it is to say
‘NO’ to that Christian event just because it is one – is
he or she a lesser believer? There are some
Christians who, if you saw a ‘secular’ artiste and a
gospel one standing side by side, would probably go gaga over the
‘secular’ artiste and not the
gospel one. Does that make you a ‘secular’ person?
4. This same argument came up a few years ago
when i collaborated with an artiste called Lord of
Ajasa on a very GOSPEL and original track of mine by the way. It still
amazes me that till date,
apparently the argument still rages. One thing i
know for sure on that matter is that salt is of no use
when it only mingles with itself. My 2-kobo worth
of advice on that matter is this: get out of that box
you have been put in. God didn’t put you on earth to only have
‘Christian’ associations.
5. I may never really fit into any box that i am put
in. I am not your ‘typical’ gospel artiste and i have
never been. Am i inspirational? I hope so. Am i a
Christian? I definitely am. At the end of the day, God
alone will know who serves Him and who doesn’t. I don’t need to wear
a robe or pastor a church to
know whether i am a Christian or not. But i also
may not necessarily do it the way that is
‘comfortable’ to your senses all the time. The
Apostle Paul was scorned in his day for ‘mingling’
with so-called unbelievers, and yet, he went on to do so much
awesome work for God. Let’s think
about that shall we?
So again i say thank you to those who have
supported my unconventional ways, and to those
who still have questions, please just keep praying
for me, your pastor, the church in Nigeria and all over the world. One
day, we will all come to the
point where the eyes of our understanding will be
fully enlightened and all our puzzles will be solved.
Till then, please watch this space for my new single
(an ORIGINAL this time ) coming soon, but for now, keep enjoying this
Lara George cover of
Adele’s Hello.
Loving y’all always!
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